Great Deal Mapping Coastal Surface Winds in Monterey Bay Using High Frequency Radar
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Mapping Coastal Surface Winds in Monterey Bay Using High Frequency Radar Overviews
This is a NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA report procured by the Pentagon and made available for public release. It has been reproduced in the best form available to the Pentagon. It is not spiral-bound, but rather assembled with Velobinding in a soft, white linen cover. The Storming Media report number is A429263. The abstract provided by the Pentagon follows: Over-water wind directions derived from high frequency (HF) radar - the new Multi-frequency Coastal Radar (MCR) - are compared to in-situ observations to determine the skill of the radar measurements. Conventional beam processing of data collected from two MCR sites located around Monterey Bay during summer 1997 is used to create wind directions based on the relative strength of the positive and negative Bragg-resonant peaks, which correspond to the wind-driven waves approaching and receding from the radar, respectively. Based on a selected functional relationship that converts the radar signal to wind direction, radar-derived wind directions are created using a new wind- retrieval algorithm and are compared to mooring observations under a variety of wind conditions. Analysis indicates that the signal not only follows wind direction, but also strongly correlates to the wind speed measured at the mooring. Results show that many of the Bragg peaks are close to the noise level, and consequently, low signal-to-noise ratios restrict the statistical confidence of the measurements. Nonetheless, maps of radar-derived wind directions show good agreement with in situ observations, especially when the wind speed is relatively strong and is sustained for long duration.
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